
Learn About Us

BENMOT Tours & Travel, Kenya's top travel agency, is based in one of the world's largest cities. In addition to other value-added travel-related solutions and specialized services, we offer safaris to all of our clients worldwide.

Since its founding in 2001, the business has built a fantastic reputation for providing outstanding services and is dedicated to sustainable tourism, encouraging ethical travel practices.

We are the first choice for customers who look forward to receiving efficient, budget -friendly and reliable services in Kenya. BENMOT TOURS & TRAVEL offers a range of tour packages to suit every budget. From luxury safaris to budget-friendly trips, they cater to all kinds of travelers.

Get Our Services

Benmot Journey

Founded and Operations started

Benmot Group Investment Founded and Registered.

2002-To date
Additional Services incorporated

Our Operations began as a tour and travel business. Additional services were added including the cargo operations and others like visa application.

Our Team

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Lucy Motindo


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Staff one

Travel Consultant

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Staff two

Logistic Incharge

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Staff Three

Admin Assistant